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Damon Root

Vice President

E-mail: damon@kwekelcompanies.com

Business: 616-301-9800

Direct: 616-328-5116

Mobile: 616-723-1027


Damon has been a part of Kwekel Companies since its inception and continues to play a vital role in establishing the firm as a highly regarded and innovative company. Damon is a long term Capital Markets veteran specializing in the disposition of sale leaseback assets on an international scale. During his 20 year history with Kwekel Companies, he has directed or participated in hundreds of transactions. Combining a corporate background with numerous industry awards and designations, Damon has both the experience and knowledge to tackle today’s complex Capital Markets scenarios.

Scope of Expertise

Sale leasebacks
Net Lease Strategy


Michigan State University | Bachelor of Science

Damon Root Sale Leaseback Damon Root Sale Leaseback